Monday 5 March 2012

HSE border skirmishes

The Holy Sigmarite Empire continued to be the centre for a number of skirmishes and activity. In 522 Pellenar Knights encountered Ogres from the nearby Ogre Kingdom whilst patrolling the Flachland Gap. The Gap is a thin strip of neutral ground bordering the Ogres and HSE, as well as the Kaalroen Empire and others, and the HSE have found it prudent to patrol. The men of Pellenar were unable to get their act together in time before the Ogres charged in, crumpling the heavily armoured knights in a horrific display of bloodshed.

Pellenar redeemed themselves in battle a year later, when the HSE found daemonic bands materialising within its borders. This was becoming increasingly common, and worse the attacks were growing in size. Near Mallendorf such a band swiftly defeated the Drazkharov guard, but the knights of house Aureus were able to hold off an attack near Saarborn despite heavy casualties.

No sooner was the battle over House Aureus regrouped, and with some reinforcements from Pellenar pressed north to investigate reports of a host of beastmen emerging from the Mallvass Mountains. Near Ulmmund the knights learnt that the size of the attackers had been greatly exaggerated by frightened peasants and charged into the chaos warband. The beastmen mostly fled, scattering back into the mountains.

Elsewhere the HSE scholar Alfwin Merken was working on a controversial theory; that the nearby merchant kingdom of Rhan'k'adanra was increasing in power at the same rate as the daemonic attacks were occuring, and that there could be a link between the two.

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