Sunday 5 February 2012

Triple alliance forms

Over the past few years the patrolling ships of the Holy Sigmarite Empire had been encountering increasing numbers of Skaven vessels in the middle of the Pan Coren Ocean. Whilst the Sigmarites were well used to skaven raids on their southern coastline, these ships were always spotted in deep water far from any coast. The Admiralty of the HSE suspected the nefarious Skaven were up to something, and whilst they had no idea what it was or how it was relevant to them they fervently believed it could be nothing good. A fleet was dispatched to patrol the area of greatest activity with the aim of boarding a skaven vessel and discovering its purpose.

The first skaven ships encountered fled on sight of the Sigmarite navy but soon a host of sails was spotted on the horizon as the Skaven responded with suspicious speed. Battle was soon joined and although at first it seemed as if the Sigmarites would triumph easily the Skaven fought back with surprising tenacity and vigor and eventually the human ships were all destroyed or scattered, still none the wiser as to why the Skaven were so obsessed with an area of empty ocean.

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