Sunday 8 January 2012

Kaalroen Empire hemmed in

Towards the end of the fifth century the Kaalroen Empire continued its slow expansion but increasingly found its growth blocked by neighboring empires. In 481 expansion south was contested by the small Ogre Kingdom, but the Ogre forces were easily brushed aside and the Chaos pillaged the lands. But further expansion was met with unexpected results.

The Ogre Kingdom appeared to be in a precarious position, and 4 years later the Kaalroens were massing for another attack. This time however the Ogres received unexpected help in the form of Lizardmen from Cuitlaxaochitzin. Ogre mercenaries had helped build the Lizardman empire whilst the Slann were still spawning their troops, and now it seemed they wished to support the fledgling nation. The chaos invasion was repulsed, and gold was donated to the Ogres to help keep their defences.

With this unexpected turn of events the Kaalroens looked elsewhere for their plunder, but in the very same year they were defeated in an attack on the north of the Holy Sigmarite Empire. Troops from the rapidly growing Mallenstein region lead the defence, and the Chaos forces were unprepared for the dark magic used. Accusations of necromancy from inside the HSE were hushed up by the Emperor.

The latest setback to the Chaos empire came in 491 when the Domovoi went to battle with the High Elves of Mellvellon, but found themselves fighting an unknown company of Ogres. Well armoured and equipped, the Ogre smashed the unprepared Chaos army. Lizardmen defending Ogres, the undead defending humans, Ogres defending Elves; The Kaalroens were counfounded at every turn.

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